outfit | me, circa 2017

outfit | me, circa 2017

Photos by Lydie Byart

Lately, I find myself straying from outfit and fashion posts because first of all, I spend all my money on makeup so my wardrobe is scanty at best, and secondly, my recent weight gain has me feeling quite uncomfortable in the clothes I already own (if they even still fit me, lol).

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read | the rise of the cult favourite

read | the rise of the cult favourite

Photos by Menzi Mcunu

I don’t think I ever pictured a time where I’d be gushing over a Puma bomber jacket (or over a pair of their shoes, for that matter) – and not because I have anything against the brand, I just never quite thought about them. So how did we get here?
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outfit | MRPxEverydayPeopleStories

outfit | MRPxEverydayPeopleStories

Photos by Cedric Nzaka of Everyday People Stories

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*Drake voice* Took a break from blogging, now it’s back to that!

Hello and welcome back to the revamped DearSolo Blog! I hope you like the new look and new branding (as courtesy of the amazing Lusanda Buthelezi – book her for your creative design needs!), and to kick off my new posts, I thought I’d start by finally showing you more of the shots from my shoot with Cedric Nzaka!

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outfit | genesis

outfit | genesis

Photos by Nuzhah Jacobs

Beyond the coincidence of this being an all-black outfit and naming this post Genesis, I chose this title because Genesis is the first book in the Bible – i.e. it’s the beginning – and with the 1st of September being a little over two weeks away, it’s almost the start of spring, too.

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outfit | something old, something new

outfit | something old, something new

Photos by Kyle Kingsley Green and Zach Louw

Have you ever been shopping and felt that magnetic pull in your core to a particular item? It may not necessarily be on trend, but you can cav the vision – you can see something special in it… If not now, then soon. So you buy it, but it just sits in your closet and every time you try to wear it, it doesn’t feel quite right – yet you still can’t give it away? That is exactly how I feel about most of this outfit. And I have to thank my intuition for it.

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