outfit | MRPxEverydayPeopleStories

outfit | MRPxEverydayPeopleStories

Photos by Cedric Nzaka of Everyday People Stories

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/289021373″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

*Drake voice* Took a break from blogging, now it’s back to that!

Hello and welcome back to the revamped DearSolo Blog! I hope you like the new look and new branding (as courtesy of the amazing Lusanda Buthelezi – book her for your creative design needs!), and to kick off my new posts, I thought I’d start by finally showing you more of the shots from my shoot with Cedric Nzaka!

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outfit | genesis

outfit | genesis

Photos by Nuzhah Jacobs

Beyond the coincidence of this being an all-black outfit and naming this post Genesis, I chose this title because Genesis is the first book in the Bible – i.e. it’s the beginning – and with the 1st of September being a little over two weeks away, it’s almost the start of spring, too.

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outfit | black in the summertime

IMG_0135 e

Photos by Joy Ntoni

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/98463189″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

“Black is modest and arrogant. Black is lazy and easy – but mysterious. But above all, black says this: ‘I don’t bother you – don’t bother me.’” – Yohji Yamamoto

This was alternatively titled, “Why are you wearing all black?” “I’m mourning myself”, but I found that a little too long, albeit incredibly apt for the last few weeks. Although my <a href="http://www acheter viagra chine.instagram.com/foyinog” onclick=”__gaTracker(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘outbound-article’, ‘http://www.instagram.com/foyinog’, ‘Instagram’);”>Instagram has been all happiness and sunshine, my Twitter has been a better indication as to how I’ve been lately, filled with melodramatic postings accompanied by memes to maintain my carefree aesthetic.

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what time is it?


hello everyone! with exams (and grade 11 – eek) done and dusted, it gives me great pleasure to be able to devote my attention to my blog again. i have about four draft posts that i started but due to the ever-looming presence of exams, i never got to finish or post.

but alas, i am officially on holiday until the middle of january so i hope to be posting more 🙂 i give to you (above) my first official holiday selfie, flower crown and all because its, you know, summer and whatever. my eyebrow game is not as strong as it should be, but i’ve been a bit preoccupied, okayyy? (i’ve also decided to include some music in my posts. why not)

this is also a very mini outfit post because after taking these selfies, i went to a little ‘pool party’ with my friends (i say ‘pool party’ because the weather was too overcast for me to even consider wearing shorts to the shindig) and it was a very chilled and very nice way to break in the holidays.

happy belated thanksgiving, by the way! even though i’m not american and don’t celebrate the holiday, i’m still really grateful for my friends, family, and particularly to God for getting me through these exams – rough doesn’t even begin to describe them. many tears were shed.

anywhooo, enjoy the rest of the weekend 🙂

p.s., i’m thinking of changing up my blog (again, sigh, i know) but this time it includes changing hosts to wordpress. are there any wordpress users out there who recommend it? i have a really irrational attachment to google friend connect but i found out you can still follow wordpress blogs on gfc so you can still keep up with me, but i’m just not sure if i should… any help?

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white dress and sunday bests

i was thinking of doing an october month summary because quite a bit has happened that has just remained undocumented. crunch time at school and stuff – you pick your battles.

even though i do actually where dresses and sometimes i wear heels (the whole being tall thing, you know), yesterday, people found it considerably surprising that i wore both together. comments like “wow! you look so pretty today” and an unusual amount of  “you look so nice”s hit me right in the self esteem because how does that mean i look every other day of my life 🙁 🙁 🙁 ??? i also got asked if i was going to a confirmation that day. who know a white dress on a sunday would cause such commotion?
moving on though. it has been a busy week and a busy month, with the most important exams of my life steadily approaching and me doing little to aid it but whatever, i thought i should blog this outfit instead of study. priorities.
what i wore:
  • dress from edgars (biggest dilemma of my life – white or black???)
  • shoes from truworths
  • watch from avon
  • my oh-so-not-celine celine bag from my mother
i am also very happy to have my braids back – i missed them so much 🙁
side note: you are very welcome to skip the very last photo of this blog post. it’s of my feet *shrugs*.
have a great week and stuff, though! 🙂

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