read | is business ruining blogging?

read | is business ruining blogging?

Photography by Tegan Smith for Topshop South Africa

I’ll never forget the day I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, casually minding my own business, liking posts as I went by, looking for inspiration, and suddenly my entire feed was bombarded with pictures of Edgars denim, and a variety of influencers telling me about the new range and a competition – all at the exact same time (which reminds me, Instagram please #BringBackChronologicalOrder). That moment was, albeit, a few years ago, but it stuck with me because I realised that particularly in South Africa, something about the way we do influencer marketing just… wasn’t right.

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solo’s corner | fashion breed

solo’s corner | fashion breed

In this month’s instalment of Solo’s Corner, I managed to steal a few minutes from one of South Africa’s OG fashion bloggers-come-make up artist and entrepreneur, Aqeelah Harron Ally, from the Fashion Breed blog.

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solo’s corner | IIIrd citizen

solo’s corner | IIIrd citizen [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Hello friends and welcome to Solo’s Corner! Solo’s Corner is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, and basically, it’s a monthly instalment of interviews with creatives and bloggers from around the country where I just get to know them a little more. The questions range from fashion to music to truth or dare – mostly because I wanted to bring a more personable approach to some of our faves on the internet. First off is the interview I did with the amazing Kenny Jules Morifi-Winslow, the face and brains behind IIIrd Citizen.

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outfit | know yourself


photos by Nicole Norman

Hello, and welcome back to The DearSolo Blog! I would apologise for the two week vacation, but I’m preeeeetty sure I warned you in my last post that due to the big move, the blog will be last on my list of priorities, and I regret absolutely nothing! Cape Town is amazing.

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outfit | tumblr taught me

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Photos by Khensani Makhubela

When you’ve been on Tumblr for as long as I’ve been on Tumblr, you’ve seen lots of things – maybe more than you’ve wanted to by accident – but one thing you’d definitely have noticed are the fashion trends. Remember the Great Hipster Trek of 2013? The Indie Revival of 2014 (and probably 2015)? The Grungepocalypse?

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