read | self care sundays

read | self care sundays

During the past few days, I’ve found myself – for lack of better words – going through the absolute most. But the one thing that I have to keep reminding myself is that the prioritisation of self is paramount, so even when I feel like the world is crumbling around me, I still need to take care of myself. And don’t get me wrong – this post is not coming with all of the answers (because I’m still gowishing as I type), it’s just coming with suggestions from me and the good people of Twitter for those of you who are going through some things too.

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outfit | pretty woman

outfit | pretty woman

When I was talking to Kenny a while back, I asked her the question “So if clothes do not maketh the woman, what does?” And that actually got me thinking about the role of womanhood in fashion, or more so, of fashion in womanhood.

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outfit | two is better than one


Photos by Nuzhah Jacobs

Hello fashion friends, and welcome to this super overdue outfit post. It was actually taken about a month ago (eek), and it’s one of my favourite outfits, so I’m glad I’m finally posting it. I wore this on the 24th of April when I accompanied Nuzhah to the Label Collections AW2015 launch (which was super nice by the way – find them at The Point Centre in Sea Point). Whenever Nuzhah and I go to events together, we use the hashtag “#SoloxRampage” on Instagram, so check it out if you like 😉

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read | the importance of fashion bloggers

Alternatively titled, “Why Gavin Rajah Wouldn’t Get Into UCT” and “Get Off My FWIS”

As originally posted on The Urban Mavericks

IMG_8400In the land of ‘#OOTD’s, ‘#FWIS’s and flat lay Instagram posts, it’s really not that difficult to believe that fashion bloggers are vapid, little bimbos flashing around their free designer handbags and going to fancy parties to drink expensive champagne and talk about nothing in particular. And while this does happen on occasion, I think it’s incredibly naive to reduce fashion bloggers to that.

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outfit | in the woods somewhere


Photos by Nuzhah Jacobs from The Ramp Store/The Rampage Blog


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It’s amazing the kind of things that will change in a year – and I think I subconsciously chose this outfit for a reason (photographed by my lovely friend Nuzhah from The Ramp Store/The Rampage Blog, shot on Middle Campus at UCT).

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