beauty | class is in session


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Last week Saturday, I had the honour to attend Baked The Blog‘s first Beauty School workshop, hosted and organised by Aisha herself. We got to learn the basics of beauty and other tips and tricks of the trade, as well as debunk some beauty myths, with BTB’s resident beauty maven, Saffiyah.

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outfit | the power of red

photos by tegan smith


before i got overwhelmed by the madness that is fashion week, i had the opportunity to shoot with the amazing photographer Tegan Smith while she was in joburg this past week. you may know her as the incredible photo taker behind Baked The Blog, and if you do, you’ll know that she’s good at what she does. i got to experience the magic first hand and i honestly can’t wait to do it again! i had such a great time shooting with her – and the pictures prove the magic.

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