lifestyle | update your space

lifestyle | update your space

Post in collaboration with Superbalist

Right around this time, just like many other students, I find myself moving into a new space – be it an apartment or a new residence room – and I want to find a way to make this place feel like home. Luckily, I’m moving into an apartment this year so I get a bit more creative freedom, but a lot of the inspiration below can be applicable to those of you in res as well. And for those on more of a student budget, Superbalist is currently having a massive sale and has offers going all the time! Check out their apartment deals here.

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lifestyle | tea time at the cape grace

lifestyle | tea time at the cape grace

Apart from health reasons, my family ties to the UK have always had me leaning towards being a tea-person rather than a coffee-person. And lately, with the growing wave of coffee culture rocking the shores of Cape Town, I won’t lie and say I’ve been feeling a little left out. Decaf coffee just doesn’t taste right and most cafes have a dismal tea collection of five roses English breakfast, rooibos tea and maybe green and chai tea if you’re lucky.

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