travel | dearsolo goes to lagos


(In an incredibly overdue post) Welcome to #DearSoloGoesToLagos. Thinking about writing this has been a little tricky for me because its easy to be a tourist and do tourist-y/blogworthy things in a foreign place (see: Istanbul) but it’s much harder for me to be a tourist in my home city (see: Lagos).

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outfit | look ma, no sleeves

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Photos by Josh Lubinsky

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This past week – after finishing exams and painstakingly moving out of res – I came back to Joburg (my homeburg) and I don’t think I’d realised just how much I enjoyed eating a variety of breakfast foods in my onesie, catching up on DSTv, showering barefoot and using two-ply toilet paper. The freedom that is Cape Town is amazing and all, but cuddling with your mother is pretty great too.

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