outfit | sole venture

outfit | sole venture

Photos by Menzi Mcunu | Shoes are courtesy of Superbalist

Despite the sweltering, uncomfortable heat – one of the biggest benefits of summer in South Africa is definitely the versatility of your wardrobe. During the summer months, there are some days when it still feels like winter and you can put on some boots, and other days when it’s so hot that espadrils are your only companion on the beach. Beyond that, you can wear open-toe heels without worrying about your toes falling off from the cold. So, in conjunction with Superbalist and the latest Sole Venture story on their blog with Aqeelah Harron and Anelisa Mangcu (which you can shop here), I thought I’d show you my top picks from each shoe category and give you a little insight into how I’d style them.

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outfit | grown woman


Photos by Retha Masobe

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I’m starting to feel like introductions are in order because it’s been a good two months *hides* since I’ve last graced the DearSolo blog with my presence. But in my defence, if you’ve been following me on social media, you’d know that the past few months have not been particularly easy.

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fashion | about a week ago… prom 2014

before i start this post, i just wanted to take this time to be excited about Vodacom In The City tonight – i wrote about how awesome the concert was last year here, and i’m super psyched again to go for the 3rd year in a row! with acts like crystal fighters, mgmt, rudimental & phfat performing, you don’t wanna miss out! you can still get tickets here. see you there 🙂
photos taken by That Guy With Glasses 🙂

to paraphrase the beloved high school musical 3, it was the night of my nightmares and simultaneously the night of my dreams. after months of planning and stressing; weeks of gripping anxiety and fear because this giant, daunting event was finally upon me and i didnt want to be let down; days of intense pampering (the weave game, the nail game, the make up game, the eyebrow game – wednesday through friday ended up feeling like the olympics) – it all led up to one momentous occasion: matric dance (prom).

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