win [now closed]| happy birthday to me (and you)!


Yay, it’s my birthday! Today I turn 19, and in true birthday fashion, I gotta give something to everyone else. Sadly, it’s not cake – but it still is pretty sweet.

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my mom took these photos

as previously stated, i usually take all of the photos for the purpose of this blog by myself, using a self timer, tripod, and effort i could’ve elsewhere exerted. but saturday evening was one of those rare occasions where someone else took my photos, hence the title of this post (i really couldn’t come up with anything better).

i had just wasted about 20 minutes doing my make up (i was waitressing for one of my dad’s friend’s house party/events – funny story, the one waitress scoffed at me for wearing allstars but come midnight, who’s laughing now???) when i noticed the sun was just about to set and i had about 10 minutes of natural light left – because i do not believe in using my flash, its just a thing -, so i was like ‘mom. this is your shot.’ and she did great 🙂

what i wore

  • my dress is from turkey – i forgot the brand’s name. oops
  • my leather low-tops are from sportscene
  • the denim jacket is from mr price

here are captions of the actual things said while taking these photos. enjoy 🙂

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