What We Wore (Cont’d)

What We Wore (Cont’d)
A continuation of yesterday’s post, here is the photoshoot portion of the day, because when the scenery is nice, you gotta snap it twice. Sidenote: it’s really nice not to have to go through all the effort of taking your photos by yourself. It’s lovely to have someone take them for you. And it’s faster. Much love to Gabby for taking my outfit shots. 
What I Wore:
  • Topshop booties
  • Cotton On skirt
  • Cotton On tank/shirt
  • Vintage blazer (and by vintage, I mean taken from my mom’s wardrobe)
  • Avon watch
  • Chain taken from my mom’s clutch.

And now for the rest of the crew and random snapshots. The Palazzo really is a beautiful place. I just wanna take pictures in/of it all the time.

These koi fish were large and I’m pretty sure they were summoning satan at a stage. They just kept following us and swimming in circles.

The birthday boy.

Here’s to me being sick and secretly wishing I was in New York, catch you next time.

It’s Not Even My Birthday

It’s Not Even My Birthday

After an incredibly stressful past few week, I have a few blog posts ready to go. The first one is from my friend Josh‘s 16th Birthday High Tea (hence the title… it really isn’t my birthday. Haha. Sorry.). He invited me and a few friends to Montecasino’s Palazzo Hotel for an afternoon high tea and let me just say that things like that really excite me for many reasons:

  1. The restaurant is beautiful.
  2. The scenery is beautiful.
  3. Miniature food is beautiful.
  4. My friends are beautiful.
  5. Did I mention the beautiful miniature food?

I honestly live for days like this, although I might have to complain that I was there all afternoon and did not stumble across any future husbands. Sigh. Whatever is a girl to do? One thing of course: make food porn. And have a photoshoot (but that is another post for another day).

So enjoy the photos of these delectable, they really are as good as they look. I should know.

Josh, the birthday boy.