outfit | something old, something new

outfit | something old, something new

Photos by Kyle Kingsley Green and Zach Louw

Have you ever been shopping and felt that magnetic pull in your core to a particular item? It may not necessarily be on trend, but you can cav the vision – you can see something special in it… If not now, then soon. So you buy it, but it just sits in your closet and every time you try to wear it, it doesn’t feel quite right – yet you still can’t give it away? That is exactly how I feel about most of this outfit. And I have to thank my intuition for it.

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outfit | the way of us

Outfit Photos by Retha Masobe

Outfit Photos by Retha Masobe

Have you ever heard the phrase, “When Jesus says ‘yes’, nobody can say ‘no’?” Lately, that’s how I’ve been feeling. With test week having come to an end and Cape Town deciding to tease us with spring/summer, I’ve been ridiculously happy lately and I just want this feeling to last. I mean, I even wrote a test on Monday night but when I came home to this beautiful Vera Moda 3/4 jacket courtesy of Superbalist, I forgot all about it!

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outfit | all about that coat

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Photos by Phiola Kayumba

I think I’ve literally been dreaming about my ideal winter ~ aesthetic ~ since mid-summer (thanks, Tumblr), and there’s always been one integral component: a coat. I don’t know how I’ve managed to live my winters without one, but my heart has been yearning for one and I feel like brands and I have definitely been on the same wavelength this season.

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outfit | two is better than one


Photos by Nuzhah Jacobs

Hello fashion friends, and welcome to this super overdue outfit post. It was actually taken about a month ago (eek), and it’s one of my favourite outfits, so I’m glad I’m finally posting it. I wore this on the 24th of April when I accompanied Nuzhah to the Label Collections AW2015 launch (which was super nice by the way – find them at The Point Centre in Sea Point). Whenever Nuzhah and I go to events together, we use the hashtag “#SoloxRampage” on Instagram, so check it out if you like 😉

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outfit | in the woods somewhere


Photos by Nuzhah Jacobs from The Ramp Store/The Rampage Blog


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It’s amazing the kind of things that will change in a year – and I think I subconsciously chose this outfit for a reason (photographed by my lovely friend Nuzhah from The Ramp Store/The Rampage Blog, shot on Middle Campus at UCT).

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